The voting system at events allows you to demonstrate the finished result in a few minutes.
With the help of our system the audience can actively participate in polls and quizzes right from their device and visualize the results in the form of charts and graphs on the screen.
How it works?
A question is displayed on a screen and each participant of the event can click on a link or scan a QR code to instantly vote using a personal mobile device without having to enter a login or password.
Voting results are displayed in real time, making the process more interactive and dynamic.
The structure provides grouping of polls by sessions/speakers. There are two options for displaying questions: single (each question is enabled/disabled by the moderator) or sequential (moderator enables/disables the session, user answers all questions from the session sequentially).
By default, the system does not require registration or authorization of voters. If necessary, the system provides the possibility of registration.
In the case of a survey with correct/incorrect answers, there is a system for identifying winners. The winners are identified according to the scheme: the number of correct answers together with the speed of the answer. The faster the user answers correctly, the more points are awarded. This function requires authorization of voters.
The system provides the possibility of team voting. Each team member can vote for each question once. The team's points are summarized.
It is possible to upload images for questions/answers, which are displayed along with the question/answer text on voters' personal devices and on the stage screen.